1 topanga Mar 30, 2006 23:30
3 topanga Mar 31, 2006 08:55
Thank you.
It's a know bug and its fixed allready in the next release.
This we can do in the mean time
change in admin/_item.form.php to patch this:
// ################### COMMENT STATUS ###################
if( $Blog->allowcomments == 'never' )
$Form->hidden( 'post_comments', 'disabled' );
elseif( $Blog->allowcomments == 'always' )
$Form->hidden( 'post_comments', 'open' );
else //if( $Blog->allowcomments == 'post_by_post' )
$Form->begin_fieldset( T_('Comments') );
<label title="<?php echo T_('Visitors can leave comments on this post.') ?>"><input type="radio" name="post_comments" value="open" class="checkbox" <?php if( $post_comments == 'open' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
<?php echo T_('Open') ?></label><br />
<label title="<?php echo T_('Visitors can NOT leave comments on this post.') ?>"><input type="radio" name="post_comments" value="closed" class="checkbox" <?php if( $post_comments == 'closed' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
<?php echo T_('Closed') ?></label><br />
<label title="<?php echo T_('Visitors cannot see nor leave comments on this post.') ?>"><input type="radio" name="post_comments" value="disabled" class="checkbox" <?php if( $post_comments == 'disabled' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
<?php echo T_('Disabled') ?></label><br />
http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=6360 can help you out with this issue.