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1 Apr 09, 2006 08:31    

Downloaded the New Nautica Skin on my blog and I like it well. The problem is the Trackbacks don't display and neither does the trackback URI (so other bloggers know how to TB one of my posts.) How can I get this information to display with new skin?

2 Apr 10, 2006 03:00

Sorry, I forgot to add that bit in. Look in the custom skin (or any skin that does display trackbacks). You can copy the code in. If you have problems I can take a look at it tomorrow. I tend to forget the features that I don't use very often. I think I left skin switching out of that skin, too, since I mostly have it disabled. Sorry about that.

3 Apr 10, 2006 04:23

I copied it in. This is a cool skin.

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