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1 Apr 16, 2006 04:59    

Hmm ... I realized that the forum I placed this originally, has since been turned into a "moderator-only" access. Not my intention. I want this to be where people can see it and (hopefully) can benefit.


[url=]How To Tutorials (a growing list of links):[/url]

1) [url=]How to generate a Random Sidebar Image that's linked to a Blog Entry[/url].

Having a random image is nice, but how about a link to the blog post that contains it? Now THAT's the way to get folks interested!

2) [url=]Posting Valid, XHTML(strict) Image Maps[/url].

It's a drag when you get an HTML-checker error. Posting an XHTML-valid image map is easy, let me show you how. Avoid HTML-checker errors when you save your blog entry.

3) [url=]Blogging via email[/url].

Yeah, they "say" it can be done, but until you read this article, you might be missing the ONE key ingredient that you need to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

4) [url=]Creating CSS Rollover Images for Your Blog Buttons[/url].

This is a cool "trick" and can be used to set your blog apart from all the rest! A complicated CSS technique that's explained in easy-to-understand terms.

5) [url=]Adding a Photo/Caption Zoom to Your Images[/url] using([url=]b2evo-specific install instructions[/url]).

For those that are keen on the Photo/Caption Zoom technique, this article explains (in detail) how to make it happen in b2evo (and make it EASY to do each and every time)

6) [url=]eMail Blog Entry[/url] or [url=](How to allow users to send a blog entry to friends, using a form, email link)[/url].

The BIG boys like yahoo, ESPN, Wall Street Journal (and others) have it ... why not you? I'm talking about a link that visitors can click, which allows them to email a friend and send a link to that post (AND a copy of the post, if they so choose). HEY ... it's the next generation, we should be able to have it ALL.

7) [url=]Invalid Image Maps in XHTML 1.1 (Why doesn't the 1.0 (Strict) code validate?)[/url].

Image maps in XHTML 1.0 were easy ... so what's up with XHTML 1.1? Find out here and find out what you need to do to make it happen.

8) [url=]A preview of PZ2 (Photo/Caption Zoom version 2)[/url].

If you loved the original, you'll love this reduex. I've made the EXACT same features even BETTER, by allowing the image to OVERLAY the post content, rather than push it around. [url=]Installation, Examples & Usage Instructions[/url]

9) [url=]Introducing PZ3 (Photo-caption Zoom version 3)[/url].

Supercedes PZ2. Beats the [url=]IE z-index bug[/url]. 70% less code than PZ2. Obviates image resizing. Pick thumb/zoom image sizes on the fly. Easier to use than ever.

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