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1 Apr 26, 2006 02:46    

my b2 not showing up!
and i dont have any other files that would override b2
such as index.html
the .htaccess file in my public_html is empty
do i need to copy or move an htaccess from b2

you can see what iv got here

2 Apr 26, 2006 10:31

Your blog is at

If you want it on then you need to copy everything in the /blogs/ folder to /public_html/

Then you need to edit /public_html/conf/_config.php and change the line that reads something like :-

$baseurl = '';

to :-

$baseurl = '';


3 Apr 26, 2006 22:22

blogs folder is already in public_html and i changed config.php
* @global string $baseurl
$baseurl = '';

did not work but
the .htaccess file is empty in the public_html folder i think this has something to do with my problem

you can see it here

4 Apr 26, 2006 23:22

ok, all of the files (and folders) that are inside your /blogs/ folder need to be moved up one level so that they are in your public_html/ folder instead ;)


5 Apr 26, 2006 23:55

blogs folder is already in public_html

6 Apr 27, 2006 00:06

That's really cool, but, what you need to do is move all of the files that are inside of the blogs folder into the public html folder instead ;)


8 Apr 27, 2006 06:49

You want to NOT have a blogs folder.

public_html/blogs/admin (and all the other files and folders)


public_html/admin (and all the other files and folders)

AFTER you move everything from the blogs folder to your root you can then delete your blogs folder. AFTER it is EMPTY of course.

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