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1 May 01, 2006 20:07    


I've searched for it, but can not find anything.

1) is there a way how to get rid of eastern european characters from url? I mean now, if I have a name of post like "testík" in url it is as "testaek", because the long "i" is changed.

I tried
$urltitle = StrTr ($urltitle, "áäčďéěëíňóöřšťúůüýžÁÄČĎÉĚËÍŇÓÖŘŠŤÚŮÜÝŽ", "aacdeeeinoorstuuuyzAACDEEEINOORSTUUUYZ");

but it doesnt work.

2) When going to full post through "read more" it displays on the top name of the blog. When going to full post through permalink, it displays on the top name of the blog and url title, so it look like this-is-url-to-post Name of the blog.

How can I get rid of this-is-url-to-post, so it displays only name of the blog?


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