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1 May 03, 2006 19:46    

Hey guys, I've been working with this blog app for a few weeks now and I've run into some limitations it seems with placing images. I can add align="" to the img tag but that has only got me so far. It would be easy enough to create a table so I can place the images where I want but the app doesnt take html for security reasons I'm sure. There must be some work around if others are using many images like me. Has someone done the leg work on this? If not I'll see what I can come up with.

Here is my site if you want to see what I mean.

2 May 03, 2006 20:51


Tables aren't (by default) accepted by the HTMLchecker (and I'm kinda surprised "align" is, actually). But, it's better (since the b2evolution code is written for XHTML and CSS standards), to control the image position using CSS.

The CSS way of doing it:

<img class="left" src="" alt="alt text" title="text to show on hover in IE and FFox" />

(assign a class name when you want to position images left or right).

A LOT of skin's CSS files already have "left" and "right" defined, BUT if yours doesn't, you can just add some basic CSS directives to your skins CSS file.

img.left { float:left; margin-right:10px; }
img.right { float:right; margin-left:10px; }

For a real snazzy image CSS effect, [url=]have a look at this[/url] ;)

If you're new to CSS, you might want to have a look at the [url=]w3schools CSS free tutorial[/url].

Tables aren't great for a layout tool and "align" is deprecated in favor of "float".

Hope this helps. :D

3 May 03, 2006 21:57

Nice, thats some pretty slick stuff. I'll look into the CSS stuff. Thanks for the tip!

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