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1 May 07, 2006 18:54    

Hey, in the latest build of b2evo, accounts must be validated.

How do we disable this as my testing server does not have any mail stuff set up, so i can't really access the backoffice...

And what was the reasoning behind this change?

2 May 07, 2006 20:26

You can disable it in Settings / General, where you also setup if users can register at all.

The reasoning is simply that you have a valid email for an account, which also gets used for things like subscriptions etc.

It also is a measurement against spammers that would just register to bypass a captcha image, if it's not used for registered users in general.

3 May 07, 2006 20:27

Did you have problems with it? Like upgrading your blog and you could not log in anymore?

4 May 08, 2006 01:06

blueyed wrote:

Did you have problems with it? Like upgrading your blog and you could not log in anymore?

Exactly, kinda hard to get to the general settings page when i can't log in ;)

5 May 10, 2006 02:19

to prevent the validation (important for tests in localhost), it follows these steps:

1) open the “phpmyadmin” (or equivalent);
2) click in “database” of its blog; 3) click in the “Table” “evo_users”;
4) click in the top in “browse”;
5) click in “edit” (in the pencil) in the desired user;
6) in “user_validated” it modifies of “0” (zero) for “1” (one)
7) and Save & Go

8) it has access the backoffice

By Ton :)
Sorry my bad english :oops:

6 May 10, 2006 13:45

I already did that before my post ;)

But the problem is that the setting to disable Account Verification is in General Settings in the backoffice. Now because it's in the backoffice you need to have a validated account to get there.

So what i'm talking about is having that option in the _config.php file or something. So you can do;
Use_Account_Verification = false; // true,false;

But on the other hand, it would make sense having the administrator group validated property set to true on install/upgraded.
Or having all existing members automaticly validated...

7 May 10, 2006 19:55

excellent suggestion.
to ignore validation when upgrade of previous version and only for the group “Administrator”

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