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1 May 16, 2006 00:31    

So if an organ that I can live without is causing me pain, one solution is just to cut that bad boy out.

Similarly, I'd like to completely carve out the meat from the b2evo blog that can be attacked by spam. I don't care about trackbacks, comments or any of that. I've entirely no use for it.
Done and Done.

I'm clearly not a B2Evo Ninja... but I've removed all the "apparent" comment elements from my template, yet I'm still getting spam. I realize that some or all of this stuff comes from bots ... so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Are there database tables and/or files that I can safely delete in order to totally rid myself of this?

There must be right?

Thanks for the help.

3 May 18, 2006 02:57

I read the post.

My _main.php page doesn't have "$disp_comment_form" on it.


What I'm trying to get at is - can't some block of code (or page, or database table) simply be cut out of the blog to make comment spam essentially impossible?

4 May 18, 2006 08:54

			<?php // ------------- START OF INCLUDE FOR COMMENTS, TRACKBACK, PINGBACK, ETC. -------------
			$disp_comments = 0;					// Display the comments if requested
			$disp_comment_form = 0;			// Display the comments form if comments requested
			$disp_trackbacks = 0;				// Display the trackbacks if requested

			$disp_trackback_url = 0;		// Display the trackbal URL if trackbacks requested
			$disp_pingbacks = 0;				// Display the pingbacks if requested
			require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_feedback.php' );
			// ---------------- END OF INCLUDE FOR COMMENTS, TRACKBACK, PINGBACK, ETC. ----------------

If you don't make it possible to place comments or to show comments/trackbacks or pingbacks,...

Form is loading...