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1 May 19, 2006 18:26    

Whenever I use this function, the 'read more' link appears centralized on the next line with an ugly image besides it. How can I customize it to appear right after the last word and without the ugly image?


2 May 19, 2006 19:06

	function content(
		$disppage = '#',
		$dispmore = '#',
		$more_link_text = '#',
		$more_anchor = '#',
		$before_more = '#',
		$after_more = '#',
		$format = 'htmlbody',
		$cut = 0,
		$stripteaser = false,
		$more_file = ''

That's a good start eh? In your skins/skinname/_main.php find your $Item->content(); and feed it a few parameters. Probably something like this:

<?php $Item->content( '#', '#', ' more', '...pickup here...', '', '' ); ?>

The two #s tell the function to use the default values. The next two are the text they see before and the text they see after hitting the read-more link. The final two are what goes before and after the read-more. Since the default is P tags you probably want to use nothing and maybe dial it in from there.

3 May 19, 2006 23:13

Sorry, I did not understand a bloody thing.

What's the first piece of code you posted? Is it located on any file? Do I have to add it in any file? What do I have to do with it?

And what about the second piece of code? I have to substitute what's in the file for what you've posted? Exactly like it is there?

4 May 19, 2006 23:29

EdB wrote:

In your skins/skinname/_main.php find your $Item->content(); and feed it a few parameters. Probably something like this:

<?php $Item->content( '#', '#', ' more', '...pickup here...', '', '' ); ?>

Yup. Replace what you got with this and see how it goes. The first bit is the actual function from the version you're using.

5 May 20, 2006 00:02

Thanks! Issue solved! :D

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