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1 May 23, 2006 16:10    

What files do I need to put the google analytics code in to make sure its in all the pages that are served by my blog?

3 May 23, 2006 18:03

main is the only file that I need to put it in? And it will show up on all the pages? What about when someone posts a comment, in the skin that I'm using, there seems to be a difference in the layout of the page - so I assumed that I would need to add the code to more than one page of the skin.

4 May 23, 2006 18:07

_main.php is called by every page of your blog (excluding admin)


5 May 28, 2006 04:17

I've tried posting the code both into the head and the body of _main.php, but it still isn't tracking my page. Any ideas why this may be? Where did you paste your code?

6 May 28, 2006 04:19

To answer my own question, I was pasting it into the wrong skins php.

Always beware the n00b error, folks!

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