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1 Jun 15, 2006 00:41    


I want to use a render plugin to trigger the display of additional content (image, form) for each post. Current b2evolution version is 0.9.2.
How can I access the post_renderers field of a post? I don't want to display the names of the render plugins but I want to check if a special plugin was used.

Thanks in advance

2 Jun 15, 2006 10:30

Where in the code are you trying to access this information? (in your skin ? in a plugin renderer function?)


3 Jun 15, 2006 10:36


I try to access it in a skin. ($Item->xy seems to be only for output).
In the end it should work this way:
If (plugin used) {display icon; echo form}

4 Jun 15, 2006 10:41

In that case you need something like :-

if ( strpos( $Item->renderers, '<renderer name>' ) )
    // do action


5 Jun 15, 2006 11:29

Your solution works for everything but renderers.
For renderers I have to check if it is in the array:

if ( in_array( '<renderer name>' , $Item->renderers) )
    // action;

Thank you for your help.

6 Jun 15, 2006 11:32

lol, oops, forgot it returned an array :p

Glad you solved it ;)


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