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1 Jun 28, 2006 03:46    

I added a domain to my current domain account at Hostgator. I want my blog to now be located in the new domain.

I tried to copy everything in the current directory to the new domain directory (admin folder, b2evocore, etc.). Now, when you go to the new domain, , you get my blog. However, if you click on the linkblog, blog tab, in fact, any link, the blog goes back to pointing to the original domain. The blog folder URL is still pointing to the old path. I probably have to change that, but how?

What else do I have to do to completely move my b2evo to the new domain (which is basically a new folder in my server)?


2 Jun 28, 2006 11:03

You need to change $baseurl in conf/_config.php to point to your new domain.


3 Jun 29, 2006 00:51

That did it.


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