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- [Hack] Calculate Time Difference [b2evo 1.8]
1 balupton Jun 30, 2006 09:16
This hack will add the following to your locales page:
Calculate Time Difference: [Without Minute Difference] [With Minute Difference]
Minute difference is just if the minutes between your time and the servers time have a difference greater than 30 then take that into account.
To apply the hack find line 165 in /blogs/inc/VIEW/settings/_set_regional.form.php
And you should see:
$Form->begin_fieldset( T_('Regional settings') );
$Form->text_input( 'newtime_difference', $Settings->get('time_difference'), 3, T_('Time difference'),
array( 'note'=>sprintf( '['. T_('in hours'). '] '. T_('If you\'re not on the timezone of your server. Current server time is: %s.'), date_i18n( locale_timefmt(), $servertimenow ) ), 'maxlength'=> 3, 'required'=>true ) );
If you do, then insert this after it:
// Start of balupton's hack
$d = split(':',date_i18n( 'H:i', $servertimenow ));
<fieldset style="padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px;">
<div class="label"><label>Calculate Time Difference:</label></div>
<div class="input" style="padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px;">
<input type="button" onclick="calc_TimeDifference(false);" value="Without Minute Difference" />
<input type="button" onclick="calc_TimeDifference(true);" value="With Minute Difference" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function calc_TimeDifference(min_dif) {
if ( ntd == null ) {
var ntd = document.getElementById('newtime_difference');
var server_hours = <?php echo $d[0]; ?>;
var server_mins = <?php echo $d[1]; ?>;
var user_date = new Date();
var user_hours = user_date.getHours();
var user_mins = user_date.getMinutes();
//alert('Server Hours: '+server_hours+'\r\nUser Time: '+user_hours);
var result = 0;
if( user_hours < server_hours ) {
// We times by -1, because there is a negative difference
result = server_hours - user_hours;
// We do the following because if the time difference is greater than 12 then we are in a different day
if( result > 12 ) result = -1*(24-result);
result *= -1; // Just simplifies things.
} else if( user_hours > server_hours ) {
// We times by -1, because there is a negative difference
result = user_hours - server_hours;
// We do the following because if the time difference is greater than 12 then we are in a different day
if( result > 12 ) result = -1*(24-result);
//alert('Time Difference: '+result);
if( min_dif && ! ( user_mins < server_mins+30 && user_mins > server_mins-30 ) ) {
if( user_mins < server_mins )
//alert('Time Difference: '+result+'\r\nMinute Difference Applied');
//alert('Server Time: '+server_hours+'\r\nUser Time: '+user_hours+'\r\nTime Difference: '+result);
// Apply the calculated time difference
ntd.value = result;
// End of balupton's hack
Then your all done.
Probably a smarter and easier idea would of been using the time zones e.g. gmt+8 etc, but this way works.
3 balupton Jun 30, 2006 20:41
No Problem.
4 blueyed Jun 30, 2006 20:43
I know.. ;)
Just to make it clear.. It's been committed to HEAD, but not the 1.8 branch, so it might appear only with the version after 1.8.
5 balupton Jun 30, 2006 20:46
Oh so b2evo's passed v1.8?
Slightly modified and committed. Thanks a lot.