2 blueyed Jun 30, 2006 20:35

This hack will add the following to your locales page:
Calculate Time Difference: [Without Minute Difference] [With Minute Difference]
Minute difference is just if the minutes between your time and the servers time have a difference greater than 30 then take that into account.
To apply the hack find line 165 in /blogs/inc/VIEW/settings/_set_regional.form.php
And you should see:
$Form->begin_fieldset( T_('Regional settings') );
$Form->text_input( 'newtime_difference', $Settings->get('time_difference'), 3, T_('Time difference'),
array( 'note'=>sprintf( '['. T_('in hours'). '] '. T_('If you\'re not on the timezone of your server. Current server time is: %s.'), date_i18n( locale_timefmt(), $servertimenow ) ), 'maxlength'=> 3, 'required'=>true ) );
If you do, then insert this after it:
// Start of balupton's hack
$d = split(':',date_i18n( 'H:i', $servertimenow ));
<fieldset style="padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px;">
<div class="label"><label>Calculate Time Difference:</label></div>
<div class="input" style="padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px;">
<input type="button" onclick="calc_TimeDifference(false);" value="Without Minute Difference" />
<input type="button" onclick="calc_TimeDifference(true);" value="With Minute Difference" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function calc_TimeDifference(min_dif) {
if ( ntd == null ) {
var ntd = document.getElementById('newtime_difference');
var server_hours = <?php echo $d[0]; ?>;
var server_mins = <?php echo $d[1]; ?>;
var user_date = new Date();
var user_hours = user_date.getHours();
var user_mins = user_date.getMinutes();
//alert('Server Hours: '+server_hours+'\r\nUser Time: '+user_hours);
var result = 0;
if( user_hours < server_hours ) {
// We times by -1, because there is a negative difference
result = server_hours - user_hours;
// We do the following because if the time difference is greater than 12 then we are in a different day
if( result > 12 ) result = -1*(24-result);
result *= -1; // Just simplifies things.
} else if( user_hours > server_hours ) {
// We times by -1, because there is a negative difference
result = user_hours - server_hours;
// We do the following because if the time difference is greater than 12 then we are in a different day
if( result > 12 ) result = -1*(24-result);
//alert('Time Difference: '+result);
if( min_dif && ! ( user_mins < server_mins+30 && user_mins > server_mins-30 ) ) {
if( user_mins < server_mins )
//alert('Time Difference: '+result+'\r\nMinute Difference Applied');
//alert('Server Time: '+server_hours+'\r\nUser Time: '+user_hours+'\r\nTime Difference: '+result);
// Apply the calculated time difference
ntd.value = result;
// End of balupton's hack
Then your all done.
Probably a smarter and easier idea would of been using the time zones e.g. gmt+8 etc, but this way works.
No Problem.
I know.. ;)
Just to make it clear.. It's been committed to HEAD, but not the 1.8 branch, so it might appear only with the version after 1.8.
Oh so b2evo's passed v1.8?
Slightly modified and committed. Thanks a lot.