2 frazor Aug 04, 2006 10:45

frazor wrote:
Hey dude, the link to your blog to show the preview doesn't work.
And while I was there I noticed your cool WLM backgrounds, but the links to the files for those doesn't work either. :(
Well the preview is working see the;
When I was writing this, I was listening to:
3 Doors Down - Be Like That
Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me
Josh Rouse - Directions
And the WLM backgrounds you could get off http://msgshit.com now, it took up 2 gigs of bandwidth in a day.
I see your title, and right hand panel, but the main content area just says "Sorry, there is no post to display...". Are the permissions allowing anyone to see that post?
Ah, I see the backgrounds now, thanks. You might want to update the links on that blog post of yours tho, as it doesn't like to the right place on msgsh*t.
Great work by the way!
Yeh the permissions was set to members only, my bad ;)
Anyway hope you like it, your the 3rd person to use it so far (that i know of), so that's kinda good..... :)
Some things i would like to add would be artists/albums/top-tracks/etc clouds, but that won't be coming for a long time, as this plugin does not rank high on my priority list.
Anyway, glad you like it :)
Are there any special install notes you have to think about. Did change user to my username. Have Last.fms program installed but the plugin don't pickup my songs.
The other question I have are about localisation of the plugin. I use swedish and want to user swedish characters in the scrip but it don't render our special characters. Are there anything to do about that?
Keep up the good work balupton I appricate your work!
The update that last.fm brought out a few weeks ago broke the plugin. And seeing i was like the only user never bothered fixing it. I will look into it when i have time.
As for the locales, i would have no idea how to fix it.
Ahh I see. The locales thing is not that important. Can look at it myself. If you have time I would like you to look into the plugin.
Thanks anyway!
v0.1.0.1 has been released that fixes the retrieval problem;
Worked great! Did change the language also. Did just take words without our special characters åäö. Cus I did se that in version 1.9 of b2evolution there will be locales for plugins. Better to wait to that then. Also can you send the old version of the plugin? I liked the old formation better.
When I was writing this, I was listening to:
3 Doors Down - Be Like That
Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me
Josh Rouse - Directions
I thought maybe to look what was different and change that.
Anyway thanks for a great plugin!!
Before I get excited about this plugin, I have a question or three. :)
1. Does it attach what you're listening to at the moment to EACH individual post? (I'm guessing yes.)
2. Is the information static for each post, so it won't change when you listen to something else (like last.fm currently does)? (I'm guessing yes.)
3. Can you set it to just list one song, or does it list as many songs as you actually listened to while writing the post?
I currently have my last.fm songs in my sidebar, but am debating using this plugin instead... :)
mojman wrote:
Also can you send the old version of the plugin? I liked the old formation better.
What do you mean? If you mean that it is all on one line, try updating your auto-p plugin, you can find the appropriate thread in the feedback forum.
hudson2001 wrote:
1. Does it attach what you're listening to at the moment to EACH individual post? (I'm guessing yes.)
hudson2001 wrote:
2. Is the information static for each post, so it won't change when you listen to something else (like last.fm currently does)? (I'm guessing yes.)
hudson2001 wrote:
Can you set it to just list one song, or does it list as many songs as you actually listened to while writing the pos
Well the list is attached to the post as html, so you can see it in the post as your writing it, so you can just remove the additional tracks.
Their is also a leeway time, so if you start writing a post at 12:30, and have a leeway time of 15minutes then it will grab all songs since 12:15.
Actually your were totally correct the autoP plugin in 1.81 were buggy. Couldn't even go into settings on it. Thanks then this plugin are complete :)
Hey dude, the link to your blog to show the preview doesn't work.
And while I was there I noticed your cool WLM backgrounds, but the links to the files for those doesn't work either. :(