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1 Jul 01, 2006 00:40    

Hey, it would be good if the following 'post types' where added;
Normal, Sticky, Pinned, Anouncement

Just your average post

A post that is always the first post in your blog.
E.g. 'Benifits of registering'

A important sticky post. (Same as sticky, but for important stuff)
E.g. 'Are you my friend?' - For personal blogs.
The post would talk about if registering an account so they can become a member and see member-only posts. (As you would only want your friends to see some posts)

A pinned post, but times out after a specified time.
E.g. 'Server is undergoing changes, and will be completed in one week.'
So after a week it automaticly goes back to the 'normal' post type.

I can help with the implementation of this feature.

It would probably be best to implement this like post visibility and comment restriction options...

2 Jul 01, 2006 01:09

And your idea would be to attach certain "sort settings" to types then, e.g. "type sticky always gets to the top"?

3 Jul 01, 2006 01:14

Yeh. Wouldn't be that hard to add the searching part.
Just order by sticky value, then by post date.

And then the skin handles the different display of 'sticky' posts.

So for anouncements/pinned posts they would get a red border instead of a basic grey border.

Although the timeout feature for anouncements is beyond me.

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