2 topanga Jul 01, 2006 11:53

All right then, now i can a use for them.
But couldn't you also just make the categories post and picture....
because I have pictures in all the categories
and I have posts in all the categories
an I have links in all the categories.
The posttype is realy only for the backoffice, if you want to do something with them, then you can sort them out together..
I nedded that feature only once, but I was so glad it was there...
Topanga's got it right.
Also the intended use (but not implemented yet) is to have different displays embedded in skins when you try to display a post, a link, a picture or whatever else we can come up with.
Yeh, that's cool by me. :)
Just that i have my categories set up to handle this already, so that's why i didn't 'get' this feature at first.
Can different post templates (custom fields) be associated with each post type?
For example, if we're building a link directory, and select the "link" post type, there would be no text field.
There should also be the possibility to post events and associate with the calendar.
I have no idea how the calendar works. But treating different posttypes differently can be done easily. (what a wierd sentence).
It's a skin request, post the idea there.
It is allready in 1.6alpha.
I use it there for 'post' and 'picture'..
In 1.8 you can heve a list of all your posts sorted on this 'posttype'.
And it's nice to see all the same posts grouped together.
If you don't need them, don't use them.
I like the feature.