2 balupton Jul 01, 2006 05:55

balupton, yep. it's easier to manipulate the image that way. It's saved as a temp file for 5 minutes, then deleted.
How i've done it in the past would just be:
And it would change the content header to whatever image it is.
Or by changing the .htaccess file, you can do stuff like
Which would actually use image.php?bg=1&text=hello&outputas=png
Don't really see why you would want to save the file...
Well, in my case, I was programming it at 4am, hadn't slept at all that night, and it was easier. :) Don't question my madness.
Haha, ok ;)
I'm curious how you do the auto-delete though.... May come in handy for the future.
Not a problem...
I have the following code stuck at the end of index.php (the images are saved in a subdirectory called display)...
$dpath ="display";
if (is_dir("$dpath") )
while (false!==($dfile = readdir($dhandle))) {
if ($dfile != "." && $dfile != ".." && $dfile != "index.php") {
$diff = (time() - filemtime("$dpath/".$dfile)); if ($diff > 60*15) unlink("$dpath/".$dfile);
The 60*15 part is where you set your duration (in this case, 15 minutes)
Wouldn't that cause quite a performance hit on the server...
Not really. And I even submitted it to Fark. :)
"Right-Click, and Save your image! It will be auto-deleted in 5 minutes!" ?
Are you saving the generated image to a file?
And nice idea btw.