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1 Jul 02, 2006 05:38    

Please tell me I can. I had to set the main links to one color to so that my css drop down menu would work, and need to add a class to the rest of the site links. Obviously, this is simple in the rest of the site and even in the posts (though not efficient) but I can't figure out how to do it in the blog. Is there a way?

2 Jul 02, 2006 16:54

I'd recommend setting the generic links for your page/blog FIRST, then add the special ones for the navigation (and whatever else) AFTER that.

I played with it a tad and came up with the following, which *I think* will get you to the same point, but NOW all your regular blog/page links don't need any special class names. :D

	text-decoration: underline;}
	color: #5b7335;
	text-decoration: underline;}

	text-decoration: underline; 
	color: #5b7335;}

	color: #ffffcc;
	text-decoration: none;}
	color: #ffffcc;}

	text-decoration: underline; 
	color: #ffffcc;}

/* a.three CSS code deleted */

.topmenutitle { 

a.topmenutitle {
	color: #ffffcc;
	text-decoration: none;}
	color: #ffffcc;}

	text-decoration: underline; 
	color: #ffffcc;}

.submenuul {
	margin:-15px 0 0 30px;
	background:#F5EFB5 url('/img/menu-item-bg.jpg') top left repeat-y;
	border:1px solid #A32D03; }

.submenuli a{
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #A95703;

.submenuli a:visited{
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #A95703;

.submenuli a:hover{
	background-image: url('/img/menu-hover-bg.jpg');
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #fff;}

Key Changes: (1) keep the generic link CSS FIRST, with any special link styling after that. (2) "topmenutitle is the class name for the anchor element, so your ".topmenutitle a" selector wasn't doing what you thought, as it should be "a.topmenutitle", instead. ;) (3) No longer a need for a special class for page/blog links (deleted a.three selectors) :D

Hope this helps.

3 Jul 02, 2006 17:15


I tried that but I had the a.topmenutitle class backwards (I set it as .topmenutitle a or something) I'll have to try your way today and see if it works. If so, I'll have to go in and find all of the places where I added the class to the links in b2's files, then re-export my posts table and remove the class from that. I added it all in last night 8|

I'll give it a try - thx!

4 Jul 02, 2006 20:18

Yep (@ backwards class) :(

Don't sweat the extra class. There's no harm in having a class that isn't used. ;) (Other than just the extra characters it takes up)

Just plug in the code and you're good to go, no other changes necessary. I've already tested the code in FFox ... it works. ;)

BTW ... nice blog integration.

5 Jul 11, 2006 02:53

Update - your solution worked perfectly! Thx.

stk wrote:

BTW ... nice blog integration.

Thank you. This is V4 of our web site. B)

6 Jul 11, 2006 03:15

No sweat! Thanks for coming back to say so.

Gee, v4 ... ours is still on V1 :| ... we're definitely behind the times (or behind big? ... or maybe just a big behind?) :lol:

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