1 pvasili Jul 05, 2006 15:33
3 blueyed Jul 14, 2006 17:54
So you mean that an incorrect "SET NAMES" has been the cause?
What "SET NAMES" got used? Which gets used now? (see debug output)
What is "evo_charset" on your install? (see debug output)
Have you set $db_config["connection_charset"]?
4 pvasili Jul 15, 2006 14:45
1) I only think :)
2) In backoffice:
default_locale from conf: ru-RU
default_locale from DB: ru-RU
default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: ru-RU
Set DB connection charset: cp1251
evo_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
io_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
3) In front-end if
$db_config['connection_charset'] = '';
$evo_charset = '';
I see the error and
* default_locale from conf: ru-RU
* default_locale from DB: ru-RU
* default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: ru-RU
* Set DB connection charset: cp1251
* evo_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
* io_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
* Activating blog locale: en-EU
* $evo_charset differs from $io_charset, but mbstrings does not seem to be installed.
* Adjusted I/O charset for blog
* Set DB connection charset: latin1
* evo_charset: iso-8859-1
* io_charset: iso-8859-1
If I set:
$db_config['connection_charset'] = 'cp1251';
I see the error in blog A(for example) and
* Set DB connection charset: cp1251
* default_locale from conf: ru-RU
* default_locale from DB: ru-RU
* default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: ru-RU
* evo_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
* io_charset (_main.inc.php): windows-1251
* Activating blog locale: en-EU
* $evo_charset differs from $io_charset, but mbstrings does not seem to be installed.
* Adjusted I/O charset for blog
* Set DB connection charset: latin1
* evo_charset: iso-8859-1
* io_charset: iso-8859-1
4) If I set the Blog setting/Blog A/Main Locale(Russian windows-1251) I see no error and
* default_locale from conf: ru-RU
* default_locale from DB: ru-RU
* default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: ru-RU
* default_locale from user profile: en-EU
* Set DB connection charset: latin1
* evo_charset (_main.inc.php): iso-8859-1
* io_charset (_main.inc.php): iso-8859-1
* Activating blog locale: ru-RU
* $evo_charset differs from $io_charset, but mbstrings does not seem to be installed.
* Adjusted I/O charset for blog
* Set DB connection charset: cp1251
* evo_charset: windows-1251
* io_charset: windows-1251
5 blueyed Jul 15, 2006 16:58
What MySQL server version are you using?
6 pvasili Jul 15, 2006 18:19
blueyed wrote:
What MySQL server version are you using?
MySQL 4.1.8 on localhost.
This junk?
7 blueyed Jul 15, 2006 18:41
Can you try updating it to the current 4.1 release (4.1.20)?
It may "just" be a MySQL bug/problem.
I don't really understand it, but
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ' IN '(Errno=1270)
seems to refer to:
post_status IN ('published','protected')
The error does appear, if the DB connection charset is not set to cp1251 (what you do "through using your locale"; $db_config['connection_charsets'] gets overridden..!)
Please try upgrading and hopefully that will fix it.
8 pvasili Jul 15, 2006 19:36
Many thanks I shall try to make it in Manday.
And I tell about result :)
1) I switch ON debug, and see problem in "blogs\inc\_misc\_db.class.php"
2) Next I change locale an all blogs on Rissian.
3) I have no error :).
To developer: maybe "blogs\inc\_misc\_db.class.php"
static $mysql_charset_map = array(
'windows-1251' => 'cp1251', /*cp1251_bin, cp1251_general_ci*/
); ?