2 john Jul 22, 2006 04:04
I think this is the best place for this. It's not off-topic, but it's not really feedback either. Does anyone know why there is javascript in the feedback process in v1.8? Right after the feedback form starts I see a javascript when I view my source code:
<span style="float:right"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
var nb_dynamicSelects = 0;
var tab_dynamicSelects = Array();
</script><fieldset class="fieldset">
After the form closes I get another script:
<script type="text/javascript">
if( typeof addEvent == "function" )
addEvent( window, "load", init_dynamicSelect, false );
I disabled javascript on my site (using FF and an extension) and was still able to preview a comment, so I'm guessing it's not that. Does it have something to do with "comments in a pop-up window"? So what's the point of this script? Do visitors to b2evolution-powered blogs need to enable javascript? What am I missing when I visit a b2evolution blog that I haven't allowed javascripting from?
All I know is that I deleted the
as I don't show anything to fill the span and it gives a validation error.
I would also like the full lowdown on the JS scripts.