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1 Jul 25, 2006 21:48    

Logout - To allow for user cleanup from within alternate authentication plugins. Should be triggered at the beginning of the logout block in /htsrv/login.php

2 Jul 26, 2006 17:10

If you want the event request added quicker, usually you would post the instructions for adding the event, like where it would go, and why you need it, and what was the point of adding it there.

Otherwise you might have quite a while to wait....

3 Jul 26, 2006 17:27

balupton wrote:

If you want the event request added quicker, usually you would post the instructions for adding the event, like where it would go, and why you need it, and what was the point of adding it there.

Otherwise you might have quite a while to wait....

The what and why:
xangelusx wrote:

To allow for user cleanup from within alternate authentication plugins.

The where:
xangelusx wrote:

Should be triggered at the beginning of the logout block in /htsrv/login.php

Should I be more verbose than this? (sincere question, not sarcasm)

4 Jul 26, 2006 23:12

xangelusx, your initial request was clear enough.

I've just added it for 1.8.1.

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