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1 Aug 05, 2006 21:29    

I thought it would be a great idea to make a blog of my bookmarks, so I could organize them (with collapsible categories), and have access to them when I travel. But I have the "Posts/days per page" set at 10--a good amount for my personal blog, but ridiculous for bookmarks, which will only be a line (maybe two) per entry. Is there a way to change the posts per page for a single blog (e.g. through skins)?
Otherwise, maybe I should create a new linkblog, and just put the _linkblog.php into the main area of the blog. Then I have to see if I can make that collapsible.

Also, when do I upgrade from "New Poster" to "Absolutely Addicted"? = P

2 Aug 05, 2006 22:33


You've hit on one of my pet peeves. ;)

(I began using b2evolution primarily because of its multiblogging capability. I was astounded to discover that the number of posts is determined as a single value for ALL blogs. (Flabberghasted, was more like it) :| )

Anyway ... the way I've gotten around this "feature" ... is by using stub files (basically an index.php file that kicks off b2evo for each blog, but they're named "blah.php" instead of "index.php"). What I do is say ... "call my blog by it's number, fire off b2evo and by the way, I want $posts = 7; for this blog" (something different than the other blogs, anyway).

Works for me! :D

Hope this helps.

3 Aug 05, 2006 23:02

I got myself grounded--took pen in hand and wrote out what I wanted to do, and the options--and figured it out. I think I'm getting a virtual buzz, too many files open or something. Blank white paper is the best tool ever.

I'm so glad for this forum, where people actually give answers, rather than just calling you an ignorant newbie muckwit. So, thanks very much! But . . . how do you write stk wrote:

and by the way

in php?

4 Aug 05, 2006 23:47

LOL ... you'll make out well on this forum, with a wry sense of humor.

I think the "by the way" is the <?php part, which is the equivalent of a slap to the computer, saying ... "Pay attention, pile of electron circuits, PHP coming your way. It's my way, or the information highway!"

Followed, of course, by ?>, which says "Thanks for honoring our humble request."


Oh ... and I'm not sure when you get labeled a b2evo addict, but I notice that I'm an "expert" :p Wahoo!!

5 Aug 05, 2006 23:53

stk wrote:

Followed, of course, by ?>, which says "Thanks for honoring our humble request."

I thought it said "How do I get out of here?"

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