good luck, especially if he is smart. To be brutally honest, youre better to ignore him and hope he goes away, most trolls do eventually get bored and move on.
There are 1 million and 1 anonymous proxies available on the I'net that make it nearly impossible to insure that someone cannot access *any* particular web site. Couple that with allowing anonymous commenting.. and well there you go.
You cant block every username -- you cant block every ip..
The first thing you do is get his IP, start there. Once you have that, you block him via your .htaccess and hope hes not bright enough to know about finding/using a proxy. If he is, truthfully, your fucked.
good luck, especially if he is smart. To be brutally honest, youre better to ignore him and hope he goes away, most trolls do eventually get bored and move on.
There are 1 million and 1 anonymous proxies available on the I'net that make it nearly impossible to insure that someone cannot access *any* particular web site. Couple that with allowing anonymous commenting.. and well there you go.
You cant block every username -- you cant block every ip..
The first thing you do is get his IP, start there. Once you have that, you block him via your .htaccess and hope hes not bright enough to know about finding/using a proxy. If he is, truthfully, your fucked.