I got a difference for linkblog between version 1.8 beta and 1.8.1 rc: it seems that a carrier return has been added when the icons for permalink has been moved to the left of each entries. I'm using custom skin
I attached 2 screens to show you the difference.
Do you known where I need to modify the code, to remove the carrier return ?
That'd be in skins/_linkblog.php but I'm pretty sure you can get rid of it by unchecking the auto-P renderer for each linkblog post. Hmmm... Actually I think it's best done by editing the posts because there really isn't a change to unchange. You can get it done with an edit though.
Comment out the two lines I commented out in the above snippet and you'll (a) not see any content from your linkblog posts on your linkblog and (b) not trigger the auto-P renderer because you're not asking for content.