When creating new posts, if I place two consecutive <img> tags with a space in between, like so:
<img src="http://forums.b2evolution.net/rsc/img/b2evolution_logo_transp.gif" alt="null" title="null" /> <img src="http://forums.b2evolution.net/rsc/img/b2evolution_logo_transp.gif" alt="null" title="null" />
the first image cannot be shown. Rather, the HTML source is displayed (refer screenshot).
"View Source" shows that the <p> encloses the first < symbol:
<p><</p>img src="http://forums.b2evolution.net/rsc/img/b2evolution_logo_transp.gif" alt="null" title="null" /> <img src="http://forums.b2evolution.net/rsc/img/b2evolution_logo_transp.gif" alt="null" title="null" />
I am not sure whether this problem will occur for other tags or not.
Can this be fixed? Thanks!