2 nealo Aug 24, 2006 14:57
First: check your local antispam table for the keyword "mortgage". It is not part of the central antispam keyword list though there are quite a few keywords that contain that string. Not the problem though because "mortgage-" will not block a comment with "mortgage" in it.
Second: in the download package you will have a folder called doc. In it you will see a file called changes.html which contains a running history of changes from previous versions. Oddly enough the changes for 0.9.2 are not in that file. Hm!
EdB. You're a genius, or I'm retarded or maybe both.
Thanks for the tips.
I have the same problem. I´ve unistalled all antispam plugins but the error persists, avoiding some comments to be sent.
any other tip?
It's not a plugin - the antispam blacklist is a core feature.
In your Antispam settings (or Tools>Antispam in 2.x) you will find a list of spammy words with green ticks next to them. You can search through them if you use the filter at the top, or just browse them. When you find a word or phrase that is in your problem post/comment then click the green trick and the word will be taken off the list. Then you can make the post. Sounds simple? Maybe, but there are hundreds of words, so this can take a while!
Also - can anyone direct me to a post that talks about all of the features of 1.8? I can't seem to find such a thing anywhere.