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1 Aug 27, 2006 08:08    

My users reported that they got an error in Firefox with:

Group/user permission denied by b2evolution! (blogismember:any:6)

If I test it on IE, I just get a 404 error.

My settings are:

Visitor Website:  checked
Visitor Website Karma:  100 (default)
Visitor's website(s) in comment content: checked
Allow author comment:  checked
Allow members:  checked
Allow registered users:  checked
Users karma:  -10 (default)

My users have user level: 0, as I don't want them to have any other access to the admin/backoffice page. Mainly, they are registered to ease commenting. I also tried it level 1 and same thing happens.

Is there a way to set the user level who are allowed to bypass the moderation or maybe a new feature where it is based on the usergroup instead of the user levels? Now that I am using this, the user level system is too generalized and limited when it comes to permissions.

The reason I keep the new users to level 0 is in case some spammers and/or bots registered with a successful captcha, that way, they'll stay level 0. But I don't want the other confirmed users to be affected by that restriction, specially comment moderation, with that, it will be time consuming to manually edit each user.

The plugin is great, working fine, atleast on the admin level. I don't know what user level is allowed for the bypass for registered users but not a member of any blogs.

Thank you very much :D :D :D

2 Aug 27, 2006 09:10

If you download the latest version of the [url=]plugin[/url] you'll find that your error has been cured.

The user level karma is affected by other antispam plugins that you have installed, so there is no "magic number" at which they will bypass moderation. You can however create a group for your "trusted" users and make that group a member of any blog you wish (it doesn't need any posting rights etc), however, that will also allow them to see any protected posts in those blogs.


3 Aug 27, 2006 09:24

Ahh there's a new version, looks like I missed the uploading of the new version days ago. Thanks ^_^

(Yah, that's why I want to avoid the membership alternative as well, they'll see the other posts.)

4 Aug 27, 2006 09:31

I only found out about and corrected this bug yesterday ;) I should add a comment to the post to inform people that it's been updated, but I never think of these things at the time :p

We do have another plugin in development which will include a visitor "whitelist" which could be expanded into a members whitelist, which might do what you want. I'll try and remember to let you know when it's ready for the next step in testing ;)


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