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1 Sep 02, 2006 00:29    

Does anyone remember the post for the hack to put all users on a page, instead of the multiple pages rendered when you have a large userlist.

I seem to have lost the hack when I went to 1.81, and can't find the post.


2 Sep 02, 2006 10:04

Crack open inc/VIEW/users/_users_list.php, find this line and add the big number (approx line 74) :-

$Results = & new Results( $sql, 'user_', '-A', 9999999 );


4 May 20, 2009 14:11

Current line:
$Results = & new Results( $sql, 'user_', '-A', NULL, $count_sql );

I have tried several things to make this display all users on one page, or at least a lot more on a page, and I am not getting the correct syntax. What is the breakdown of the (values) and how can I accomplish this?

Running version 2.4.6

5 May 20, 2009 15:53

There's a "Results per page" option in your user profile

6 May 20, 2009 16:39

Oh, so much better and easier! Thank you!
Printing the list is no longer a royal pain...

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