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1 Sep 02, 2006 06:22    

Step 1 : Using your favourite editor, create and save a simple _about.php file using the following as a template guide.

   //Check page isn't being accessed directly
   if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
    //Show About page
<div class="bPost">
<h3><?php echo T_('About my Blog') ?></h3>

<?php $Blog->disp( 'longdesc', 'htmlbody' ); ?>


Step 2: Note that I use the "longdesc" tag from the Custom skins Sidebar to display the content.
To write your "longdesc" simply go into your Control Panel ->Blog Settings and select the Blog you want this to apply to. At the bottom of that page is the "Long Description" box. You can use xhtml tags, image tags etc in that box to compose your "ABOUT" content.

Step 3: Open skins-> your skin -> _main.php and find the section..

<?php // ---------------- START OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, STATS ETC. ----------------
	switch( $disp )

Add the following to the existing list of includes and save again as _main.php

case 'about':
                  //includes email form
         		require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_about.php');

Step 4: Upload both the edited _main.php and the new _about.php to your specific skin folder.

Step 5: Create a menu or sidebar link

<a href="" title="All about me">About page</a>

Step 6: (Optional) If you want the page to display a normal Title for the page request then you can easily edit the following ...

Open -> blogs -> inc -> _misc -> _template.funcs.php


switch( $disp )
		case 'arcdir':
			// We are requesting the archive directory:
			$r[] = T_('Archive Directory');

and add into that list of items beginning with "case", the following..

case 'about':
			// We are requesting the About screen:
			$r[] = T_('A little about me');

Note that the 'about' must match the name of your page.

NOTE: "about" can be changed to whatever you like to call the file HOWEVER, you can use this method to display a specific page on any subject. Naturally your would remove the

<?php $Blog->disp( 'longdesc', 'htmlbody' ); ?>

if the subject had nothing to do with a desription of the site and replace it with normal content marked up with it's own html.

Example Pages
[URL=]Example About Page[/URL] made up of the standard "longdesc" and with [URL=]Mini Stats[/URL] added.

3 Jul 18, 2007 01:19


if i wanted to integrate this with the admin, how would i do so without breaking b2evo?

i have multiple bloggers and would want them to be able to manipulate the information without me being a pass through.


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