b2evolution CMS Support Forums
- b2evolution Support
- Central Antispam Blacklist Support
- Parse Error on Comments
1 rae_diance Sep 08, 2006 01:45
When someone comments, this appears:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/raedian/public_html/b2/htsrv/comment_post.php on line 69.
In /home/raedian/public_html/b2/htsrv/comment_post.php, it looks like:
* This file posts a comment!
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html}
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/}
* @package htsrv
* Initialize everything:
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../b2evocore/_main.php' );
// statuses allowed for acting on:
$show_statuses = array( 'published', 'protected', 'private' );
// Only for, for users who will not update their conf! :/
if( !isset($minimum_comment_interval) ) $minimum_comment_interval = 30;
// Getting GET or POST parameters:
param( 'comment_post_ID', 'integer', true ); // required
$commented_Item = Item_get_by_ID( $comment_post_ID );
if( ! $commented_Item->can_comment( '', '', '', '' ) )
errors_add( T_('You cannot leave comments on this post!') );
param( 'author', 'string' );
param( 'email', 'string' );
param( 'url', 'string' );
param( 'comment' , 'html' );
param( 'comment_autobr', 'integer', ($comments_use_autobr == 'always') ? 1 : 0 );
param( 'comment_cookies', 'integer', 0 );
if( is_logged_in() )
{ // User is loggued in, we'll use his ID
$author_ID = $current_User->ID;
$author = NULL;
$email = NULL;
$url = NULL;
{ // User is not logged in, we need some id info from him:
$author_ID = NULL;
if ($require_name_email)
{ // Blog wants Name and EMail with comments
if( empty($author) ) errors_add( T_('Please fill in the name field') );
if( empty($email) ) errors_add( T_('Please fill in the email field') );
if( !empty($author) && antispam_check( $author ) )
errors_add( T_('Supplied name is invalid') );
if( !empty($email)
&& ( !is_email($email)|| antispam_check( $email ) ) )
errors_add( T_('Supplied email address is invalid') );
// add 'http://' if no protocol defined for URL
$url = ((!stristr($url, '://')) && ($url != '')) ? 'http://' . $url : $url 'target=blank';
if( strlen($url) < 7 ){
$url = '';
if( $error = validate_url( $url, $comments_allowed_uri_scheme ) )
errors_add( T_('Supplied URL is invalid: ') . $error );
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$user_ip = explode( ',', $user_ip );
$user_ip = $user_ip[0];
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $localtimenow );
// CHECK and FORMAT content
//echo 'allowed tags:',htmlspecialchars($comment_allowed_tags);
$original_comment = strip_tags($comment, $comment_allowed_tags);
$comment = format_to_post($original_comment, $comment_autobr, 1);
if( empty($comment) )
{ // comment should not be empty!
errors_add( T_('Please do not send empty comment') );
elseif( antispam_check( strip_tags($comment) ) )
errors_add( T_('Supplied comment is invalid') );
/* flood-protection */
$query = "SELECT max(comment_date)
FROM $tablecomments
WHERE comment_author_IP = '$user_ip'";
$ok = 1;
if( $then = $DB->get_var( $query ) )
$time_lastcomment = mysql2date("U",$then);
$time_newcomment = mysql2date("U",$now);
if( ($time_newcomment - $time_lastcomment) < $minimum_comment_interval )
$ok = 0;
if( !$ok )
errors_add( sprintf( T_('You can only post a new comment every %d seconds.'), $minimum_comment_interval ) );
/* end flood-protection */
if( errors_display( T_('Cannot post comment, please correct these errors:'),
'[<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">'. T_('Back to comment editing') . '</a>]' ) )
$query = "INSERT INTO $tablecomments( comment_post_ID, comment_type, comment_author_ID, comment_author,
comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author_IP,
comment_date, comment_content)
VALUES( $comment_post_ID, 'comment', ".$DB->null($author_ID).",
".$DB->quote($author).", ".$DB->quote($email).",
'".$DB->escape($comment)."' )";
$DB->query( $query );
* New comment notification:
$item_author_User = & $commented_Item->Author;
if( $item_author_User->notify
&& (!empty( $item_author_User->email ))
&& $author_ID != $item_author_User->ID ) // don't send if original author comments (is logged in)
{ // Author wants to be notified and does not comment himself:
$recipient = $item_author_User->email;
$subject = sprintf( T_('New comment on your post #%d "%s"'), $comment_post_ID, $commented_Item->get('title') );
$Blog = Blog_get_by_ID( $commented_Item->blog_ID );
$notify_message = sprintf( T_('New comment on your post #%d "%s"'), $comment_post_ID, $commented_Item->get('title') )."\n";
$notify_message .= str_replace('&', '&', $commented_Item->gen_permalink( 'pid' ))."\n\n"; // We use pid to get a short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking
if( is_logged_in() )
$notify_message .= T_('Author').': '.$current_User->get('preferedname').
' ('.$current_User->get('login').")\n";
$user_domain = gethostbyaddr($user_ip);
$notify_message .= T_('Author').": $author (IP: $user_ip, $user_domain)\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Email').": $email\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Url').": $url\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Comment').": \n".$original_comment."\n\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Edit/Delete').': '.$admin_url.'/b2browse.php?blog='.$commented_Item->blog_ID.'&p='.$comment_post_ID."&c=1\n";
// echo "Sending notification to $recipient :<pre>$notify_message</pre>";
if( is_logged_in() )
$mail_from = $current_User->get('email');
elseif( empty( $email ) )
$mail_from = $notify_from;
$mail_from = "\"$author\" <$email>";
send_mail( $recipient, $subject, $notify_message, $mail_from );
* Handle cookies
if( $comment_cookies )
{ // Set cookies:
if ($email == '')
$email = ' '; // this to make sure a cookie is set for 'no email'
if ($url == '')
$url = ' '; // this to make sure a cookie is set for 'no url'
// fplanque: made cookies available for whole site
setcookie( $cookie_name, $author, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
setcookie( $cookie_email, $email, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
setcookie( $cookie_url, $url, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
{ // Erase cookies:
if( !empty($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) )
// echo "del1<br />";
setcookie('comment_author', '', $cookie_expired, '/');
setcookie('comment_author', '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
setcookie( $cookie_name, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
if( !empty($_COOKIE['comment_author_email']) )
// echo "del2<br />";
setcookie('comment_author_email', '', $cookie_expired, '/');
setcookie('comment_author_email', '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
setcookie( $cookie_email, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
if( !empty($_COOKIE['comment_author_url']) )
// echo "del3<br />";
setcookie('comment_author_url', '', $cookie_expired, '/');
setcookie('comment_author_url', '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
setcookie( $cookie_url, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
param( 'redirect_to', 'string' );
$location = (!empty($redirect_to)) ? $redirect_to : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
header( 'Refresh:0;url='.str_replace('&', '&', $location) );
Line 69, specifically, looks like this:
$url = ((!stristr($url, '://')) && ($url != '')) ? 'http://' . $url : $url 'target=blank';