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1 Sep 11, 2006 00:53    

Just as BeforeUninstallPayload works etc, i need BeforeInstallPayload.

As say BeforeUninstallPayload gets triggered and the user decides they want to keep the db table and files, then they re-install.

The files and db table would be found causing an error.

So what i need is so if the files or db table is found, we ask the user wether they want to use them (if possible), or remove them (perform a clean install).

If the files or db table are not detected it will just install without hassle.


Hrmm a new event request would mean that the plugin is not compatiable with the latest public release... Which is a problem... As this would be 'required' in the next version of the gallery plugin...

2 Sep 11, 2006 20:57

It would probably not even make it into 1.9.. :/

I'll consider it when finishing the dependency improvements I still have locally.

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