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1 Sep 19, 2006 16:28    


I have a site ( where I have integrated a blog into the rest of my site (it is a travelogue). I have a problem though...

In the post's list the first of two articles displays in full, not just the teaser plus the Read More link. Yes, it has the

after the teaser, but somehow the entire article still displays including the teaser (in bold). Is this because I've allready clicked the Read More link and read the article? Did that with article #2 (Nine million bicycles) as well, and it still shows up as only the teaser...

How can I fix this?

Tor tt

2 Sep 19, 2006 18:37


This is a very strange behavior.

When I go to your index.php home page, I see two articles. "9MM cycles" appears normal (teaser + read more + icon), but the 2nd article "Hvite djevel" looks like ... when it should look like...

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the renderer that finds the <!--more-->, is having a difficult time picking it out for the second article.

Are you using the "Auto P" plugin?

I'd recommend trying a test ... make a post of the following and see if it behaves correctly.

<p>This is the teaser</p>


<p>This is the MORE stuff</p>

I'm thinking that the 2nd post just needs to have a more clear separation of TEXT <!--more--> TEXT.

Try it and see if it helps.

3 Sep 19, 2006 18:47

Hmmm ... looking further, I see the same behavior on the default posts.

(For me the 2nd post "Extended Post" shows both TEASER + EXTENDED TEXT and no "read more" link).

So it's unlikely to be anything in your post, as I initially thought. There is something wrong with the install?

Don't know. Anyone?

4 Sep 19, 2006 18:59

Ah, it appears to be a "skin" problem. shows correctly, as does

I ran your "custom" skin through the W3C validator and you have 7 errors. Most are just needing to change & to &amp; for the URL param "glue", one ALT missing, but you do have a few structural problems:

end tag for an <a> which isn't open;
omitted end tag for <div id="wrapper">;

I bet the problem will sort itself when you can get rid of the structural issues and the page validates. ;) <-- Validation Page for "custom"

(You'll notice that "custom2" validates and doesn't show the problem) :p -->

Hope this helps and good luck with your travels!!

5 Sep 20, 2006 08:35


Thanks for the advice, I've now fixed the CSS troubles and my page validates just fine. Problem is... the Read More link still isn't there... :(

Share your view that the problem lies within the skin though... but where O where...

Here is code for the actual generation of messages, which is actually mostly snipped from the standard custom skin:

			<div class="blogentry">
				<?php if(_REQUEST('vis', 'start')!='start' && $i==0) {lagReisebrevBilde($Item->content);}
				<div class="blogtitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></div>
				<div class="blogdate"><a href="index.php?vis=reisebrev&amp;cat=<?php echo $Item->main_cat_ID;?>"><?php $Item->main_category();?></a>, <?php $Item->issue_date();?>, <?php $Item->issue_time();?></div>
				<?php $Item->content('#','#','#','', '#', '#', 'htmlbody', 0, false, 'index.php?vis=reisebrev'); ?>
				<?php link_pages( $before='#', $after='#', $next_or_number='number', $nextpagelink='#', $previouspagelink='#', $pagelink='%d', $more_file='index.php?vis=reisebrev') ?>
				<?php if($more==1) { ?><div class="blog_goback"><a href="Javascript:goBack();">Tilbake...</a></div><?php }?>
				<div class="blogtoolbar">
				<?php if(_REQUEST("c",0)!=1) {
					$Item->feedback_link( 'comments', $before = '', $after = '', $zero='Ingen Kommentarer', $one=T_('1 comments'), $more=T_('%d comments'), $title='Vis kommentarer', $use_popup = '#',	$hideifnone = '#', $mode = '', $blogurl='index.php?vis=reisebrev' ); // Link to comments
					echo ' | ';
					$Item->feedback_link( 'comments', $before = '', $after = '', $zero=T_('Leave a comment'), $one=T_('Leave a comment'), $more=T_('Leave a comment'), $title=T_('Leave a comment'), $use_popup = '#',	$hideifnone = '#', $mode = '', $blogurl='index.php?vis=reisebrev' ); // Link to comments

			<?php // ------------- START OF INCLUDE FOR COMMENTS, TRACKBACK, PINGBACK, ETC. -------------
			$disp_comments = 1;					// Display the comments if requested
			$disp_comment_form = 1;			// Display the comments form if comments requested
			$disp_trackbacks = 0;				// Display the trackbacks if requested

			$disp_trackback_url = 0;		// Display the trackbal URL if trackbacks requested
			$disp_pingbacks = 0;				// Display the pingbacks if requested
			require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_feedback.php' );
			// ---------------- END OF INCLUDE FOR COMMENTS, TRACKBACK, PINGBACK, ETC. ----------------?>


Tor tt

6 Sep 20, 2006 08:56

Solved the problem myself... Just entered some debug echos in $Item->content and had it show the params it was working with.

A kinda interesting little error... Here is what...

If you look at my code, at the line with $Item->feedback_link(...), you'll se that I for clarity use temporary variables to clarify which arguments are which... problem is that one of them, $more, is also a variable used by $Item->content to decide on whether it will show teaser or all of the post, and this was then changed from false to "3 comments"...

And that is how this strange problem came to be...

Thanks for your help stk, you pointed me in the right direction...

Tor tt (and back to the beach I go...)

7 Sep 20, 2006 16:13

LOL ... the double-duty $more variable :p ... doing MORE than you want!!

Glad you got it sorted and that I helped.

Have fun at the beach!


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