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1 Sep 27, 2006 05:48    

I just recently upgraded to 1.8.2, and was wondering if there is any way to enable other xhtml tags (specifically "a href') for comments.

Also, this I haven't yet searched for so I'm sure the answer is already out there: is there a way to reset my blacklist easilly?


2 Sep 27, 2006 15:33

Can't answer the first, but I can give you a hand with the second.

First, there is no "click here" to reset your antispam table. Assuming you can do stuff to your database with phpmyadmin it's not so bad. First select your evo_antispam table and EMPTY it. Second edit the "antispam_last_update" field in your evo_settings table and make it be '2001-01-01 00:00:00'. Third visit your blog and get the antispam updates until you finally get the latest keyword. Currently that'll be 5 times, and a 6th time will give you one keyword that's "not needed - already handled".

3 Sep 30, 2006 08:21

So no one knows about allowing links in comments?

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