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1 Oct 04, 2006 08:00    


When setting up the details of a blog, there is a field called "key words" this is used in Meta Tag keywords.

Is there a specific format to use there, like all meta tag words should be between "" or/and what´s the delimiter? , or ; ?

I´m trying to get my blog listed in google (actually, i´m trying to find it rather) but no luck so far, thought this might help...


2 Oct 04, 2006 15:49

single, word, double words, separated, by, commas

but eventually google will find you with or without keywords. Keywords, if you want to have them, should reflect the content of your web. Since lots of lame sites would put common search terms as their keywords most search engines either gave up on them or rate them very low relative to the actual content. Content is King is the thing. And sooner or later google will find you and index you.

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