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1 Oct 05, 2006 04:41    

I made a friend of mine a blog earlier tonight and had a quick question... On the right side, down near the bottom, there's a list of "Misc" stuff, like Login/Logout, Profile, Admin and RSS 0.92. How can I get rid of that, so the blog viewers don't see it? Please help.

3 Oct 06, 2006 07:55

I see. Well, I went there and edited everything I don't want and it's all still there. :-/

4 Oct 06, 2006 08:55

Got Link? Giving us a link to your blog makes it a lot easier for us to tell you what you need to do. We're kinda hip to driving around b2evolution installations is the thing.

You need to edit the right skin to get the desired results. So like if you're using 'foo' as your skin then you edit skins/foo/_main.php. Further: if you're using 'foo' and you edit skins/bar/_main.php you won't get any bang for your buck. Does that make sense?

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