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1 Oct 10, 2006 06:42    

My blog I am setting up with my own modified skin lays out and works great in Safari (Mac) and Firefox (Mac and Windows), but doesn't work in IE (Windows).

I have my sidebar setup so that it floats right, and the balance of the page (the posts) take up the remainder of the space to the left. Both of these are constrained within a DIV that is 85% the width of the main window.

Here is my CSS code for my DIV's:

#wrapper-content {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 7.5%;
	width: 85%;
	min-width: 750px;
	text-align: left;
	background: #111;
.bPosts {
	overflow: hidden;
.bSideBar {
	float: right; 
	width: 259px;
	overflow: hidden;

The link to my site is:

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code so I can get it to work in IE as well as in Safari & Firefox that it is currently working in? Thanks!


2 Oct 10, 2006 17:54

OK, I have done some adjusting, and now they look the same in both Firefox and IE, but the problem, is its not what I want. Now the sidebar doesn't show up at the top next to the post section, but shows up at the bottom of the posts to the right.

I have tried all kinds of combinations and can't get this to work. I think what I am trying to do is simple enough. I have 2 main DIV's. On I want to be on the left (.bPosts) and the other on the right (.bsideBar). The one on the left I want to have a variabl width based on what is remaining form the fixed right width.

Here is my modified CSS:

.bPosts {
	margin-right: 270px; 
	overflow: hidden;
.bSideBar {
	float: right; 
	width: 259px;
	overflow: hidden;

Right now, the _main.php generates the post section first and the sidebar section second. Before, I had it switched around and took out the 'margin' info on bPosts and it works in Firefox, but not IE.

Can anyone offe rme some formatting tips for this, please? Thanks!

3 Oct 10, 2006 19:30

OK, through some vodoo and trickery and finding the right combination, I finally got the site to look like I want in FF and IE, with now one last exception.

The sidebar menu floats to the right, fixed at the top on both -> Great.

The main post section is variable width to take up the balance of the window from the fixed sidebar menu -> Great.

But now in IE, the post information expands to ther ight once it gets past the bottom of my sidebar. In FF, of course, it stays the constant width as set at the top of the page, like I want it.

I want the post section width to be constant down the page. I have tried (based on othe reading) setting body, html, and the bSideBar to height 100% with no effect. If I set the padding-right to 270 for the main post div, it works in IE, but then FF squeezes the main post section skinnier than I want.

So, does anyone have a clue how to maintain the main post column width down past the sidebar?

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