1 suburbia Oct 11, 2006 20:35
3 suburbia Oct 11, 2006 22:07
Topanga, basically what I am looking for is a 'sideblog' where I can post my favourite books, my favourite movies, etc. I have found 2 plugins that are to implement a sideblog, but I am unsure of exactly how to implement them, and how to maintain the items.
The site will eventually be maintained by a non-techie so I was hoping to find a method to allow them to update the list, etc without having to get into code...
Does that clear up what's needed? sorry for not being precise in my original post...
The linkblogs is in it allredy, isn't it ?
so if you delete all the rest, you will have only the linkblog (and that is a bulletted list)...
So I suppose I don't realy understand your question ?