2 john Oct 27, 2006 22:47

I've been thinking about this and it's a tough thing to do. I mean, making it more obvious isn't the hardship. Keeping it looking like the old site and making it more obvious is the problem. Maybe a background color change for the blog you're on would make it not look like a regular sentence?
Hey thanks for the feedback!
What about seperating the blogs in the bloglist with "|" or something similar?
I tried ' • ' for a while but something about how far across the page it stretched made me undo it. Obviously a vertical line is less width than a bullet, so perhaps that's the place to go. That and a bit of color-changing for the blog you're on would take away the appearance of a regular sentence.
And maybe shrinking the list... The photos thing is just a phpbb add-on that everyone wanted more linkage to, so I pulled linkage from the forum and threw it up in the blog list.
Oh yeah the length of the blog list string and the width of the image behind the blog name on the right is what makes the blog list string get squirrely from time to time. Like now probably for example.
Looks cool man. I have always wanted to go hangliding but it looks to dangerous! I guess I will just stick to the Harley.
Thats a lot of cool hacking...
I think the top left Menu/Blog List could be styled to be a bit more "Menu'ish". I thought it was a description at first glance. :)