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1 Nov 08, 2006 19:40    


I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but I'd like to know how to remove the "comments, trackbacks, pingbacks, profile" from blog display.

In other words, when you post a new topic on the blog, even though I've tried to disable all of them they still show up like this:

Posted by: so and so on Nov 07, 06 | 7:38 pm | Profile

[0] comments (0 views) | [0] Trackbacks [0] Pingbacks

I'm using the b2evolution as more of a easily updatable news section and don't really care to have a profile display, or have comments, trackbacks or pingbacks.

Can someone direct me on this issue?

- Darren

2 Nov 09, 2006 06:36

edit the _main.php in your skin, perhaps?

3 Nov 09, 2006 06:51

That'd be the way. There's a lot of stuff in the manual about it and in some cases specific line-by-line instruction, but basically just look inside path_to_install/skins/your_skin/_main.php and check out the comments and the function names. It'll be fairly intuitive if you give it a bit of time.

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