Hi everyone.
I've found here lots of answers that helped me to keep going with my work.
But, after all done, I couldn't find where is set archives title style.
If you need an example, just go to my blog:
(needs the "index.php" otherwise it will open the old blog made with html).
Click in "Novembro 2006" in "Arquivo" section of right menu.
In the top, "Aquivo - Novembro" appears in black, while the link "2006" have that lovelly blue/purple colors...
Someone can help me to find where this style is set?
I've searched everywere, but couldn't find it. Maybe it's just my brain that's tired after all this work...
Files in my custom skin are, in case you need to know:
Thanks a lot.
Crack open style.css and add this bit :-
Change the #0f0 to the colour of your choice ;)