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1 Nov 14, 2006 08:57    

Can someone please tell me what is to be gained by registering? A few people have asked me if it's necessary to register, and I really don't know what to tell them.

2 Nov 14, 2006 10:01

If you mean for your blog, it depends.

If i visit a blog a lot, i would register simply because that way i don't need to keep entering my details when i post a comment.

Plus for my blog, the benifits of registering is that you get some exclusive content you could say... As well as if my mates register, i make them members of my personal blog so they can read some things i don't want the general public to know and stuff like that. Or i don't want the general public to read one of my personal posts and comment on it.

I guess the main thing is if you have restricted your blog to either registered users or members.

3 Nov 14, 2006 11:26

Gosh, I didn't realize that I could make the blog readable to registered users only. So, you actually have two blogs then? Here I am trying to just grasp the concept behind one of them! :) I also didn't realize that you have to keep entering details for each comment posted if not registered. I've been hesitate about what I write on the blog because I too do not wish to disclose 'all' of me.

4 Nov 14, 2006 11:32

Yeh sure, look on the right, and there is a section called 'Visibility/Sharing'.

Also in blog settings, just click 'new blog' to make a new blog.

There are hacks so only comments can be posted by certain people.

So yeh...

5 Nov 14, 2006 14:16

Awesome, thanks! :) If I checkmark the one that says, Protected Members Only, is that for all the posts or just one particular post?

What would be the point of making a second blog? What do you use your second blog for?

6 Nov 14, 2006 14:51

The visibility applies only to the post you check it for. So protected means only registered members who are also members of the blog the post is in get to see that particular post.

A second blog is a no-brainer: it's for your linkblog (or blogroll way back in the day). I've got I think 7 active blogs on my blog. I use them for 'high level' categories. Hacks, Hang Gliding, stuff like that. Visitors can then subscribe to the RSS feed that interests them the most.

7 Nov 14, 2006 16:12

I guess things are just not registering in my head yet, well, some things! I think it's going to take me awhile to get more famiiar with the files and what does what.

Is making more than one blog sort of like just an old-fashioned website that links to another html file for whatever reason?

8 Nov 14, 2006 16:38

I could think of a possibilty for you to use it.
1 blog is your diary about work/school
1 blog is for you ramblings about your favorite hobby.
1 blog is for your stories for your dear familiy (and for example, only members of that blog will see the content in it)
1 blog is to post all the websites you visit and you like (linkblog)...

9 Nov 14, 2006 18:29

That sounds totally ideal for the peops that don't have memory issues; it's awesome, really. But, for gals like me, well, sometimes I'm not even sure what day it is! :roll:

I've wanted to write a book for so long, a personal type of book. The ramblings of a woman who thinks her thoughts might shock the every-day type of person. I guess I've never felt safe or secure enough to find a place to record those thoughts -- not on paper and not on the Internet. I started letting some of me come out in my .about me. section, but as you can see, there are alot of be continued statements in it. My thoughts are very sporadic and sometimes I have too many of them all at once to put them into readable words. Other times, I'll dwell on something so profound for an unreal amount of time, and it gets put on the back burner only to return again and again. Go figure.

Yup, I'm not quite sure what to do this with new toy, my blog. :) Thanks for your input though!

10 Nov 14, 2006 18:34

Simple fact : If you want to keep something 100% private, don't upload it

Sorry, I don't want to discourage you but, only ever put on the internet what you wouldn't mind being public, it's not the "cure all repository" for private stuff.


11 Nov 14, 2006 19:55

Offtopic rant:
I forget nearly everything if it's over 5 years old, if its over 2 years old i forget most of it.

In my blog i jot down most of my thoughts, ideas.. everything, i have many only me posts, many only my friend posts, i basicly blog all my thoughts.

Rekon it would be pretty dam cool to read it all when i got nothing better to do when i'm old and wrinkly ;)

12 Nov 15, 2006 23:37

Yup, your blog thoughts are probably quite interesting. :)

I have just created a second blog, or attempted to. I used the Blog B default, but what do I do about files? Do I just basically copy all the existing files from my AUSR blog into the new blog and take it from there?

13 Nov 16, 2006 00:02

Files? Posts are stored as items in the database...

But if you mean moving posts from one blog to another, i don't know how you would do that, although someone else probably does.

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