1 raaone Nov 14, 2006 22:43
3 raaone Nov 15, 2006 00:36
Thank you. That got the installer to run. However, after filling out the form, I got the following page:
Config file update
We cannot automatically update your config file [/home/httpd/vhosts/knoxny.org/httpdocs/blogs/conf/_basic_config.php]!
I used the method of copying the code that was there, as instructed, for the new _basic_config.php file and uploaded it to the conf folder, but I still get the same error page.
Dazed & Confused
4 austinbarrow Nov 15, 2006 01:29
an even more basic question. Do I lose all my previous posts after installation? I installed new version but how the heck to I import all my posts from my last blogs??????
5 edb Nov 15, 2006 08:34
raaone did you also set "config_is_done" to 1? If so then you don't need to run the installer anymore. Just go to your blog's URL and find the link to the admin section so that you can tell it which blog you want as your default blog. I'm pretty sure that's on the "App settings" tab.
austinbarrow you need to tell the installer that you're upgrading an existing installation - not creating a new one. That way it will do whatever it needs to do to your existing database without deleting or changing any of your existing content. If you've already got all the new files on your server then you can just edit your conf/_basic_config.php file and tell it the database name and username and password, your admin email id, and set "config_is_done" to 1. You should then see your old stuff in the new layout. Be aware that depending on how old your previous version was your skin might not work anymore.
6 raaone Nov 15, 2006 17:33
Thanks to you, EdB, all seems to be working.
I just can't figure out how to initiate a new post.
I don't see any button that says Post on the actual blog page.
Thanks again.
7 raaone Nov 15, 2006 20:35
Please disregard the last part of my last post.
Once again, I have met the enemy - and he is me.
All is fine.
Thanks again.
8 raaone Nov 15, 2006 21:27
I must sound like an idiot but, sadly, all is not fine.
Everything seems to be working individually, but I can't figure out how it gets tied together.
For example, where should my link point to get a user to the login screen?
And how does the user navigate between reading posts and writing them?
I appreciate you tolerating a TOTAL newbie. Thanks.
9 edb Nov 15, 2006 21:44
You get to post by clicking the "admin" link that, depending on your skin, shows up towards the bottom of the sidebar. That's the admin area - also known as the back office. You get out of there by clicking "Exit to blog" in the upper right corner of the back office.
10 raaone Nov 15, 2006 22:20
You mean a user must click on Admin in order to post?
That seems rather counter intuitive.
And where do I point my initial link to the blog from my webpage?
Thanks for your patience.
11 edb Nov 15, 2006 23:28
raaone wrote:
You mean a user must click on Admin in order to post?
That seems rather counter intuitive.
You can change that text to something else if you like. Maybe "post" but the back office is more than just posting. Adding new content to your page is an administrative task eh? Anyway to do that find in your skins/yourskin/_main.php something that looks like
user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
and change it to
user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>', '', 'Post' );
raaone wrote:
And where do I point my initial link to the blog from my webpage?
Um... to your blog's url?
How about showing a link to both your web and your blog?
12 raaone Nov 17, 2006 01:45
There's where I can't figure it out.
Isn't my blog's URL www.mysite/blogs/some file?
Do I point my link to an index.php file, and if so, in what folder.
Sorry if I sound lame, but this is all new to me.
Thanks again.
13 edb Nov 17, 2006 05:01
http://wonderwinds.com/ and http://wonderwinds.com/index.php and http://wonderwinds.com/weblog.php go to the same place because my default blog is my weblog blog and it has a stub file called weblog.php. Thus as long as you have the index.php file in your blogs/ folder and have a blog set to be the default on index you're okay either way.
14 raaone Nov 17, 2006 13:37
Maybe, I'm bloging up the wrong tree !
I want to have a page on my website where viewers can leave comments. Not a forum, just posted comments. Not unlike your wonderwinds blog. But, I want force people to login first and I wanted it to be very easy to switch between reading posts and writing them.
I thought a blog would do that for me.
Again, thanks.
15 raaone Nov 18, 2006 00:50
I think, after all of this, what I'm looking for is "Forum" software.
Thanks again for your patience and help.
After uploading everything to where you want your blog to show up you run the installer from exactly where it is, meaning "your_domain/blogs/install/index.php". After it does it's thing you delete the install folder.
Hope it helps!