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1 Nov 16, 2006 22:42    

Lol, is there a "What I'm Listening to?" plug-in?
Just a simple text box form on the post entry screen. That would be simple for a B2Evpro to do, but not for me.

Oh, and is it possible that someone can create a plug-in that lets me define custom fields for user profiles?
So I can add like "Favorite food" and crap liek tat ;p

ps. I like those plug-ins that are drag and drop, they rock my socks XD

2 Nov 16, 2006 23:39

Lol, is there a "What I'm Listening to?" plug-in?
Just a simple text box form on the post entry screen. That would be simple for a B2Evpro to do, but not for me.

Already done, look at the plugin.

Oh, and is it possible that someone can create a plug-in that lets me define custom fields for user profiles?
So I can add like "Favorite food" and crap liek tat ;p

Under construction, look for the "more info' or "custom fields" plugin.

The search bar up the top comes in handy sometimes ;)

3 Nov 18, 2006 01:06

*throws you an air cookie*

you are so helpful and kind ^_^

(did that sounded kinda...umm... cheesy?)

4 Nov 18, 2006 02:58

mogster wrote:

*throws you an air cookie*

you are so helpful and kind ^_^

(did that sounded kinda...umm... cheesy?)

Haha, yeh a bit ;)

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