2 amoun Apr 19, 2021 08:25

I've been using b2evo for a long time, but it's when I end up wasting hours on things like this that I really question whether it's worth my time.
I spend a lot of time on software issues here and there, mostly in support of others. It's my time and a choice, sometimes seemingly tiresome and ineffective but I have never thought I am wasting my time, though like @fplanque it can be come overburdensome.
So as interesting as your issue is I'm unlikely to address it soon.
If it's too much work for you to find a solution via searches etc. even on other sites/forums etc. then yes maybe you will be happier using other software :(
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@drherz wrote earlier:
Yes on the feedback form? I have a similar on my search page output. I think it's a AJAX/jquery issue I'm trying to disable.
UPDATE: I have finally found what I was looking for but I already have AJAX disabled so it must be something else :( for me
But if you have not already disabled AJAX try that via :- Collection > Settings > Advanced > Caching n: Uncheck Enable AJAX forms
You may like to try a different skin temporarily as i don't have it on the feedback form on my custom skin.
NOTE: I've just been to your website and note Sharleen's page doesn't come up.