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1 May 30, 2015 16:23    


I'm using a slightly adapted version of pixel green with an updated header photo. This works fine on the desktop site, but is a bit random on whether the revised headerphoto is picked up on the tablet version. I've just upgraded to version 5.2.2, but it was a bit iffy on the previous release and now will only show the original photo (which has been replaced in the skins directory on my server, so I don't even know where it's picking it up from).

Changing a picture in a preset skin is about as far as my knowledge of skins extends, so any help to force the tablet to pick up the revised headerphoto would be welcome.

Site is

Edit for additional information: tablet in question is an iPad. Just tested on hubby's android tab and all is well. Skin works OK on mobile phone as well

Second edit: it is now working again on my iPad. I give up.


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