2 cionolak Oct 03, 2013 01:22

like prompted, enable debug mode and report here.
From admin change to a default skin like "evopress" and see if that helps
Where do I find $debug_pwd ?
It looks like you have set a non-existent skin on any of your blogs. May you double-check that all your blog's skins are well configured? Please look at this message: http://www.entrancetohell.com/b2/blog2.php
I saw that but couldn't figure out how to set that.. All of the thumbs for skins show in the admin blogs>skins, but when I click "preview" that's what I get. How do I configure skins?
Anyone? I'm stuck here. :(
Have you tried this instructions: http://b2evolution.net/man/user-guide/quick-customization/using-a-different-skin ?
Yup. No go..
Remember that you need to change the skin for [Blog A], if any other blog is configured to use a non-existing skin, you should change it as well.
I made sure all of the other blogs were set and I reset params... still nothing.
All right, now the "non-existent skin" message is not shown in your page anymore.
As you upgraded from a really outdated version, let's try a couple of things:
1) Check that the URL's for each blog are properly configured: http://b2evolution.net/man/back-office-reference/managing-collections/url-seo-settings/blog-url-settings
2) Try to disable your plugins (one by one) and test the result, maybe an outdated plugin is producing the issue with the parameters reported in the output.
For option 1).. what's the best setting to check. All have a default of: Explicit param on index.php Should I stay with that or use Relative or Absolute?
Please change it to "Relative to baseurl".
I changed all of the blogs to "Relative to baseurl" and still no change.
Going to try disabling plugins now...
I disabled all of the plugins one by one until they were ALL disabled and I'm still getting the same error. :(
Add the following in file /inc/items/model/_item.funcs.php on the line 90. Open your blog, and post here whatever text you gonna see.
// See what the value of "c" param is
echo '<br>';
echo '<br />';
param( 'more', 'integer', 0, true );
param( 'page', 'integer', 1, true ); // Post page to show
param( 'c', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display comments?
param( 'tb', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display trackbacks?
param( 'pb', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display pingbacks?
Hi Sam.
Line 90 is a } so I added lines 1-7 immediately after. Was that correct?
Added and got the following:
Should I remove the code I added above or leave it in?
What should I try now?
Yes, please remove the code.
After that, comment line 94 by adding // at the beginning of the line and let us know the result.
//param( 'c', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display comments?
Whatever that just did it's displaying the blog now! MUCHAS GRACIAS mgsolipa, sam2kb, and tilqicom. :)
Now I did try changing and previewing other skins. Some work and others I still get this error:
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
The skin [skin name] set for blog [Blog A] does not exist. It must be properly set in the blog properties or properly overriden in a stub file.
You shouldn't comment out that line. We need to find what causes that error. The last time I dealt with similar errors is when a website was hacked and some malicious scripts injected their own values in variables used by b2evo.
So add the following above the param() functions and post the output here
Should I remove the // before the param ('c')?
I removed the //
Added the new string..
Got a blank page with the following at the top:
Still nothing... Well, at least this should hide the error.
// Initialize the faulty param
set_param('c', 0);
param( 'c', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display comments?
Where do I put that?
NM got it. All still working now. :)
Still having that same issue where some skins work fine and other get that "does not exist" error. Hmmm...
Of course. So what should I try next? For now it's working, but obviously there's still an error somewhere...
Thanks again for all your help and patience guys.
Just leave it like this, it should fix the error. The other error you mentioned simply means that the skin you requested is not installed, it's irrelevant to the initial error.
// Initialize the faulty param
set_param('c', 0);
param( 'more', 'integer', 0, true );
param( 'page', 'integer', 1, true ); // Post page to show
param( 'c', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display comments?
param( 'tb', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display trackbacks?
param( 'pb', 'integer', 0, true ); // Display pingbacks?
Ok, I'm thinking this has to do with SKINS. I cannot even preview other skins without getting the same error.