2 mgsolipa Jul 10, 2014 19:09

It looks like an issue with the Drag&Drop upload. We need to do more tests to confirm and fix it.
In the meantime, please use the "Choose File + > Quick upload" tool that is right below of the Drag&Drop section.
Thank you. I had same problem with choose file as well. But, now I am able to upload the files from CHOOSE FILE.
Thank you once again.
Please help me with how to provide permission to
1. VIEW videos but not download and
2. VIEW and DOWNLOAD videos
Both has to be done in the single post itself.
I have tried to create a groups with these two options but I do not understand how to give permission to our viewers as requested.
Thanks for you help in advance.
Please go back to this manual page: http://b2evolution.net/man/uploading-large-files (there is some new information). You need to know, as explained in the page, that there are at least four different limits that may have influence in the error that you are getting. Two of them are set in the b2evolution's configuration and the other two are in the server's configuration, and their modification is up to your hosting provider.
As seen in your screenshot, the uploads in your site are limited to 33MB, so you need to find which of the four options is prevailing. If you raised the limit in options b and c, and still are getting the error, then the problem must be solved directly with your hosting provider.
Only a suggestion, you have set Maximum upload filesize to almost 1GB. In my opinion, that is a too high value that will be useless, because I'm almost sure that your hosting provider will not support a limit that high. If you need to host those files in your site, then maybe you should use FTP.
Please help me with how to provide permission to
1. VIEW videos but not download and
2. VIEW and DOWNLOAD videosBoth has to be done in the single post itself.
I have tried to create a groups with these two options but I do not understand how to give permission to our viewers as requested.
Please, lets keep this topic in its own post: http://forums.b2evolution.net/view-only-view-and-download-only (I gave you an answer there). b2evolution is not ready to behave exactly as you require, so you will need a plugin to hide content according the profile of the current visitor. Maybe somebody else (or even myself according my availability) could help you here in the forums. In my case, sometimes I share small fixes to particular issues or even small improvements, but your case is slightly different.
The other way to get a feature like that is by making a User Feature Request (i.e.: http://b2evolution.net/news/2013/09/17/your-feedback-matters or http://forums.b2evolution.net/feature-requests-and-feedback). If accepted, a priority will be set and its development, test and release will depend on that value, combined with the rest of the tasks in the development team's list.
Best regards!
Hi @nourgent,
In a different post you were asking about the upload limit in b2evolution (http://forums.b2evolution.net/the-file-is-too-large-12-mb-but). Are we talking about the same thing? Because here you are mentioning FTP and that is a different thing.
Anyway, did you check the quota offered by your web hosting company? It might be unlimited or not.