2 mgsolipa May 18, 2015 07:32

as the author I gotta say It's a very old skin. You are better of using one of the recent responsive bootstrap themes.
Thanks for the responses - the reason iIchose the Chita skin was the easy customisation - I'm not very adept with CSS so when I saw the list of options I was delighted.
About the iframe - not sure of another way to integrate the blog within the site. maybe for someone who knows php but I'm not one of them.
Quick note: having many customization options for every skin is coming soon... ;)
Hi @jmcgerr,
Sadly that skin doesn't seem to be responsive, so struggling with elements in small viewports is normal. However, I can see your site (http://edgeworthstown.net/blog/blog1.php) in a acceptable layout from my phone. Avoid using iframes is a good idea.
Keep in touch because a lot of clean, sleek and responsive skins will be released pretty soon, so maybe you would like to use one of them in your site.