2 mgsolipa Aug 13, 2015 23:29Hi @aarifziaee, Welcome to the forums. In my case, the youtube plugin redirects me to the app. The dailymotion plugin behaves as you described because it's a flash player. We will see if it's possible to load an html5 player by default. Regards!
3 fplanque Aug 24, 2015 20:55@aarifziaee Can you confirm how you are adding the videos to your site? Are you using the default code snippets provided by Youtube and Dailymotion or are you using a feature of b2evolution for embedding videos?
Hi @aarifziaee,
Welcome to the forums. In my case, the youtube plugin redirects me to the app. The dailymotion plugin behaves as you described because it's a flash player. We will see if it's possible to load an html5 player by default.