2 mgsolipa Jul 10, 2014 12:02

Hi mqsolipa,
I am not a programmer so I do not know how to take backup and upgrade to the latest version of b2evolution. However, help me to upgrade to the latest version please.
Regarding the viewers & Downloaders profiles, I will have a single post where view only option is given to the viewers who has paid less amount and view and download option is given to the viewers who paid more amount. Both has to be shown in the single post itself. Otherwise, it will be an hectic to manage two different spaces for these two options.
Please help.
You don't need to be a programmer to upgrade your site, but it's true that you will need some skills. Please, take a look of the upgrade section in the manual (http://b2evolution.net/man/upgrading/) and feel free to make questions about specific steps that you don't understand.
In general, I guess that the upgrade process and the customizations you described before are not too complex, and we also will be always open to give you a hand. However, if you're running a business (and you can afford it), you should hire a professional to help you, because a personalized attention gives you the warranty of a well done job and something less to worry about.
If you consider this option, in this page you will find some people that can help you: http://b2evolution.net/about/b2evolution-professionals
Hello @nourgent,
I have been checking your site and noticed that you're still running 4.1.7, so the first thing I can recommend you is try to upgrade as soon as possible. That way you will have the latest security updates and features, and also there are more posibilities to find useful information and help about your requirements. For example, starting with v5 the Flowplayer plugin (video player) is available by default.
Regarding the "Viewers" & "Downloaders" profiles, do you need to have the videos in the same post and show the download link only to the users in the "Downloaders" group? or are you up to maintain different posts for different groups?